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XY Charger

XY ChargerPeeling Lines

Medição em todo o comprimento da tora por meio de barreira laser;
⦁ True log shape measurement;
⦁ Industrial PC for machine control and centering optimization;
⦁ The system calculates the best possible cylinder inside the log for maximum possible recovery
⦁ Allows minumum lathe carriage retract, reducing idle times and log-to-log time;
⦁ Thicker veneer rounding-up, the system automatically resume to nominal thickness when
optimum cylinder diameter is achieved;
⦁ Increases the line production capacity;
⦁ Allows storage of production statistic control data;
⦁ Allows modernization and improvement of existing peeling lines.

1 – Without XY Charger.
2 – With XY Charger.


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