Ícone do site Fezer S/A – Engineering company specializing in machines for the production of wood veneers, plywood veneers, machines for the timber industry, and for the mechanical industry in general.

Fezer concludes the delivery of a Veneer Dryer to Turkey

Fezer concludes the delivery of a Veneer Dryer to Turkey

Fezer has concluded the delivery and start-up of a 4-deck and 4.8m wide Veneer Dryer to th company Bayrak, Turkey.
The line is composed of a dryer, veneer feeder, automatic temperature control and automatic climate control in two independent zones. 
This is another project completed by Fezer in Turkey. We thank teh customer Bayrak Agaç Urunleri Insaat Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd Sirketi for their choice and trust in our company.

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